Course Setup

Activity Instructions

This activity will have you create a Github repository that will be used to keep track of the code we write, and be used for hosting our pages as well.

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

01 Check to make sure you have git installed.

Begin by opening up a command prompt for your operating system. The easiest way to do this would be to open VS Code and open a terminal (ctrl + ~). Enter the following:


You should see some instructions as a result. If you see an error then follow these git installation instructions

02 Create your working directory and Github Repository

Create a new folder to hold the work you will perform this semester called wdd131. Open that folder in VS Code.

For a longer review of setting up our project in Github you can review the Github Setup instructions from the previous class. Note that wherever you see wdd130, you should replace it with wdd131.

A shorter version of the instructions is below:

03 Create the course Home page

In the wdd131 project folder that you should still have open in VS Code create an index file: index.html and a style.css file. This will act as a portfolio of work for this course. Start by simply adding the HTML necessary to have a valid page. Then in the head make sure that you add the following tags:

  • Meta Charset Attribute
  • Title Element
  • Meta Description Element: Short description of the site
  • Meta Author Element: Your name
  • Link reference to your CSS file

Add header, main, and footer elements. In the 'header' add a title that says something like "[name]: WDD 131 portfolio". Replace [name] with your name :)

You are encouraged throughout the semester as things are added to style this page.

Click on the Source Control Icon on the sidebar in VS Code. You should see a button that says "Publish to Github". Click it. VS Code may ask you to login to your Github account, then it will ask whether you want a public or private repository. Pick Public.

04 Enable Github Pages

Save your work, commit your changes, and push them to Github.

Open in your browser and login. Find the new wdd131 repository that we just created and click on it. Goto Settings, then scroll down until you see the Pages section. Click on that. Find the section that mentions Branches. There should be a drop down that says "none" and a save button. Switch the dropdown to "main" and click save.

It might take a couple of minutes, but you should see a URL appear right under the title: "Github Pages". You might need to refresh the page. Copy this link. This will be the URL that you will access your site through, and will be used to turn in your work.

I would recommend pasting the link into the index.html file we just created and make it a comment.