Completed Personal Web Application

Activity Instructions

Estimated Time: All the time you have left :)

As soon as your plan has been approved you should begin to work. A listing of the requirements is below for your reference.

01 Project Requirements

By the end of this course:

  1. The personal site must consist of a home page and at least one child page.
  2. The website must be hosted on the web.
  3. Each page of your Web site must satisfy the following requirements:
    1. Significant textual content, appropriate for your audience, so that they can understand the meaning and message of this site.
    2. At least one image that relates to the content of the page.
    3. Working links to your child page(s).
    4. Be laid out and styled according to your site plan wireframes.
    5. Be visually appealing and easily readable.
    6. Be valid HTML and CSS
    7. Score at least 97 on Lighthouse.
  4. The site should have dynamic elements provided by Javascript, your code should show elements of the following:
    1. It should show some level of organization: at a minimum it should have more than one function.
    2. It should include DOM interaction: select an element, modify it, and listen for and react to events
    3. It should show examples of conditional branching
    4. Each of the following should be used: Objects, ES Modules, Arrays and array method usage (forEach, map, reduce, filter, etc)

02 Complete

Begin by creating the minimum set of files we will need: index.html, main.js, style.css.

I would recommend starting with writing the HTML and CSS to match your wireframes. Any dynamic elements can be hard coded at this phase. Once you have everything looking the way you want it, move to the Javascript that will make your application functional.

03 Submit

Run the audit tool against your application and fix any problems. Then submit the GitHub link to your application to I-Learn: