Unit One - Introduction
This Unit will review concepts in HTML and CSS. It will also introduce the basics of Javascript to allow us to begin to make our web pages dynamic
block, HTML basics, CSS basics, JS Variables, DOM basics, -
Unit Two - Responsive Design
This unit will introduce the tools and concepts behind responsive web pages. It will also discuss making comparisions and branching in Javascript. Finally it will introduce DOM events
block, Responsive design, Media Queries, JS debugging, JS operators, coercion, DOM events, -
Unit Three - Accessibility
This unit will teach the importance of making our pages accessible along with methods to do so. Javascript Functions and Array methods will also be introduced
block, accessibility, css custom properties, arrays, functions, -
Unit Four - Forms
This unit will dive into building HTML forms and styling them with CSS. Javascript objects and ES modules will also be introduced
block, forms, assessibility, Javascript objects, ES modules, -
Unit Five - Flexbox and Performance
This unit will introduce CSS Flexbox as another tool for building webpage layouts. We will also learn how to further organize our code with ES Modules.
block, es modules, seo, flexbox, lighthouse, -
Unit Six - Personal Project
This unit will be spent mostly in planning and building a web application of your own design.
block, design basics, final project,